Sunday, September 8, 2024

Public Filming & Photography

The guidance for security staff

Public places

1. Members of the public do not require permission to film or take photos of private premises while remaining in a public place.

2. Do not interfere with the members of the public exercising their freedom.

3. Make sure you know the property boundaries you are protecting.

4. Be polite. Remember, you are representing your client and your employer.

5. Members of the public cannot be forced to delete the photographs or videos they have taken by security or even by the police.

6. Be aware that your interaction will be publicised across the internet.

7. Unlawful detention, use of force, verbal threats can lead to criminal charges as well as civil claims.

8. Criminal charges may lead to suspension and revocation of your SIA licence even without completion of the court case. 9. You do not have immunity under your employment.

10. You may be sued personally for a civil claim, which can put your current and future wealth at risk.

11. You do not have right to interfere with drone operations above the site you are protecting. Interfering with a drone flight is a criminal offence (Article 240 of the Air Navigation Order in endangering the aircraft).

Privately owned but publicly accessible sites

12. Civil trespass is not a criminal offence. If they are on your site, which is privately owned but publicly accessible, and you do not wish them on your site, you must verbally revoke their implied access to the site and ask them to leave.

13. Once the implied access is removed and they refuse to leave, a criminal offence of aggravated trespass may be committed if they are intentionally obstructing, disrupting, or intimidating others from carrying out ‘lawful activities’.


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