Friday, October 18, 2024
HomePolicingVideo showing two officers struggling with violent man and asking public help...

Video showing two officers struggling with violent man and asking public help blows up social media

A video showing two police officers trying to arrest a man has been circulating in social media, gathering a lot of attention.

“Stand still! Stand still!” one police officer says at the beginning of the video. The man, called as Charlie by one of the onlookers, instead lunges toward the officers, showing high level of aggression.

Officers, having a hard time trying to control the man, finally manage to tackle him, however they seem to struggle with holding him down on the ground.

Then officers ask for help from the public who have been watching and even filming the incident as they try to call back up.

“Someone help us! Someone help us please!” one police officer calls out.

Norman Brennan, a retired London police officer and leading campaigner on police protection, shared the video commenting: “Folks I saw this & felt disgusted; whilst two officers try & arrest a violent man others stand by & film it; a police officer can request under common law that public help them & they must unless they have a good reason & disliking police is not one!”

The video fuelled a discussion in Twitter.

Some asked Mr Brennan: “Why risk instant injury, being sued for assault, or being stabbed, shot or killed by him or his friends later?”

Mr Brennan replied: “Because we as citizens should try & help in any way because they are citizens who put themselves forward to protect us; the police are the public & the public are the police; your comments most almost NEVER happen; you may not help but I certainly will as I know many others will!”

Others commented: “The officers were amazing in their determination to get their job done.”

To which Norman Brennan replied: “Yep as is usual people who haven’t a clue on policing give their armchair views; I’ve turned up many a time & a calm situation went from zero to 100 in seconds you react to the threat posed hence no hostility or baton was drawn by them – we actually know a bit about policing!”

Let us know what you think.

(Source: Twitter)


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