Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomePolicingSurrey Police release new images of Sara Sharif as they renew appeal...

Surrey Police release new images of Sara Sharif as they renew appeal for information

Surrey Police released two new images of 10-year-old Sara Sharif this week as part of their ongoing appeal for information to help them build a picture of her life prior to the discovery of her body at her home address in Woking on 10 August.

As a result of enquiries undertaken so far, the photos present Sara in the way police believe she may have dressed in the months prior to her death.

Sara Sharif’s fugitive father, stepmother and uncle have been arrested on suspicion of murder after returning to the UK on 13 September.

Police were searching for the three relatives, her father Urfan Sharif, his partner, Beinash Batool, and brother Faisal Malikafter, after they fled to Pakistan following Sara’s death.

The 10-year-old Sara’s body had been found by officers at her home in Hammond Road, Woking, in the early hours on 10 August.

Detectives widened the timescale of their investigation after the post-mortem revealed that Sara had suffered multiple and extensive injuries, likely to have been caused over a sustained and extended period of time.

As they released the new images of the 10-year-old, Surrey Police said: “We are hoping that these images will prompt more people to come forward with information about her and her family.”

Since Sara’s tragic death, officers have been engaging with community leaders and distributing leaflets in the Woking community. Posters have also been displayed in and around Woking train station and taxi ranks around the town.

The appeal has been translated into written Urdu and verbally in video format to reach residents of the local area whose first language is Urdu.

Officers working for the Force who are fluent in Urdu are supporting the investigation team to translate information provided by members of the public.

While the appeal has generated a number of enquiries, officers are still keen to hear from anyone with any information, no matter how insignificant, which could help them to piece together a picture of Sara’s life.

“We are grateful to everyone who has already contacted us, and I would like to stress that any information, no matter how insignificant it might seem, is reviewed by the investigation team and further enquiries carried out if appropriate. I would urge anyone who may have information and hasn’t yet come forward to reach out to us.

“There are a number of ways you can do this – you can report information via our portal, which is in both English and Urdu, you can call 101 if you would prefer to speak on the phone, or if you would like to remain anonymous, call the independent charity Crimestoppers.”

To report information, please visit Surrey Police’s online portal >

To report information in Urdu, please visit Surrey Police’s translated online portal >

To report information anonymously, call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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