Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomePolicingHR bosses warned police chiefs about controversial beard ban in Police Scotland

HR bosses warned police chiefs about controversial beard ban in Police Scotland

Personnel staff told chiefs the no-fuzz policy was “in conflict” with force values.

The cops’ human resources team also said it was “unclear” if any evidence justified the now-scrapped ban, in documents seen by The Scottish Sun on Sunday.

They said it would hit disabled officers who face difficulties shaving and prevent transgender cops “aligning their physical identity with their gender identity”.

While they warned officers who wear beards for religious reasons would also be “disadvantaged”.

Police Scotland’s policy was meant to kick in on May 29 after being announced weeks earlier in “a short timeframe”, according to HR staff.

But the move, meant to ensure cops could wear protective face masks, has now been shelved for a year following the backlash.

David Kennedy of the Scottish Police Federation said it was the “correct decision”.

Four bearded officers won compensation and an apology after lodging tribunal action.

Assistant Chief Constable Alan Speirs said: “I am very grateful to all staff who provided valuable feedback.”

(Source: The Scottish Sun)


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